Case Studies

Case Study - Picture of Alison talking to a particpant

Effective Communications

Effective Communications and Improved Conversations

With our experience involved with a variety of industries we are able to draw on, and adapt, our approach to suit the needs of all of our clients.
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Picture of Alison stood at a table with a training participant and some pictures

Persuading and Influencing

Learners Recommend Persuading and Influencing Course

As part of the Persuading and Influencing workshop we use actors for role-playing scenarios which are based on real-life situations.
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Picture of Alison and participant training at a table

Line Managers Induction

Induction Training Leads to Improved Staff Feedback Scores

Developed for both new-to-role and existing managers to better understand expectations around their role and responsibilities.
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Picture of Alison stood at a table with a participant

Customer Excellence

Customer Excellence: Getting It Right First Time

Helping team members to take accountability and get things right first time.
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Picture of Alison and a participant stood at a table with photographs on it

Development Centre

Putting the participant at the heart of their development. 

A 360-degree review covering all aspects of performance and development.
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Picture of Alison and a participant training at a table

Your Style and Stress

Identifying Stress Triggers and Tackling Them

The workshop is ideal for a client who is proactive about the mental health of their colleagues.
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